Sex Education Necessary To Curb Unsafe Abortions
Did you know that hospitals in Cameroon receive at least 3-4 cases daily of complications arising from unsafe abortions? This alarming statistic was shared by Dr. Eko Filbert, Director of the Buea Regional Hospital and 2nd Vice President of SOGOC, in a mini-documentary produced by SOGOC as part of the […]
Women Supporting Women to Close Breastfeeding Gap
Cameroonian female doctors,Public Health Nutritionist,Dr Akwen Ndi and International Breastfeeding and Lactation Consultant, Dr Solange Ngo Bama have brought their expertise together through a breastfeeding virtual support group, Precious Lactation, to support nursing mothers through their breastfeeding journey. This report spotlights the functioning of the group, Precious Lactation and the […]
Le 28 septembre de chaque année est célébrée dans le monde entier la Journée internationale de l’avortement médicalisé. Dans le cadre de notre travail avec la Société des gynécologues et obstétriciens du Cameroun (SOGOC) au sein du projet Advocacy for Comprehensive Abortion Care (ACAC), notre reporter santé, Ayuk Rennet, a […]
NEWS MAKERS: Cameroonian Women who made headlines in 2018
By Ajumane Francis Daphne Njie 2018 was another year for Daphne Njie’s place as one of the hottest property in the urban music landcape in Cameroon. After wowing her audience in 2017 with her hit track « Calé », she thrilled her fans right up to the finish line with « Jusqu’à la […]
Women who inspire – Arrey- Echi Agbor-Ndakaw
In our Women Who Inspire series, we feature influential women making a difference in their communities and beyond. Their lives and stories inspire us to do better and to shine the light in our little corners of the world. Arrey- Echi Agbor-Ndakaw is a Sickle Cell Champion and advocate. In […]
Breast Cancer: 18% of Cameroonian women affected
Source: Women from 18 to over 55 years are advised to undertake regular screening and palpation. Cases of breast cancer can be reduced if women ensure regular screening, good nutrition, engage in physical exercise, eliminate stigma and take drugs only on prescription. According to statistics, over 18 per cent […]
Death of quintuplets – Yaounde Central Hospital Explains
Death of quintuplets at Yaounde Central Hospital Here under is a release from the Director of the Yaounde Central Hospital. Mrs. Honorine Nshi aged 30 years, is a mother of two children,living in the Carriere neighbourhood in Yaounde. She was received for the first time in our hospital on Tuesday […]
Feminine Hygiene – Using cloth pads.
By Comfort Mussa When I first got my period, all I knew about was the standard disposable pads. I experimented with different brands into my adulthood. Growing up, I spent most of my vacations visiting my grandmother (of blessed memory) in our beautiful village -Nkambe. During the visits , I […]
Cameroonian city of Bamenda struggles with water shortage
Courtesy of Radio France International In Cameroon the prolonged shortage of potable water is a major challenge facing the inhabitants of Bamenda. For three months now most inhabitants have had to travel long distances to fetch water. Others, who cannot afford to travel long distances, have to fetch water from […]
Cameroon Public health care below expectations
‘Public Health: Heath Care Below Expectations’ this article in Cameroon Tribune the national daily made my day. Cameroon Tribune is considered more or less like the PR paper for the government so things must be very bad at the public hospitals for them to write that “The services rendered in […]