Sex Education Necessary To Curb Unsafe Abortions

Did you know that hospitals in Cameroon receive at least 3-4 cases daily of complications arising from unsafe abortions? This alarming statistic was shared by Dr. Eko Filbert, Director of the Buea Regional Hospital and 2nd Vice President of SOGOC, in a mini-documentary produced by SOGOC as part of the ACAC Project on the Dangers of Unsafe Abortion.

In observance of International Safe Abortion Day on September 28, SOGOC organized a film projection night, with participation from Sisterspeak237 and other stake holders. Three films were screened, all conveying a critical message: the urgent need to enhance sex education and improve access to contraceptives, particularly for young people.

According to a study conducted by SOGOC, many young individuals, some as young as 13, are already sexually active. As SOGOC President Prof. Emile Mboudou stated, “If young people are properly educated about sexual rights and learn how to use contraceptives effectively, the rates of unintended pregnancies will decline. Without unintended pregnancies, there would be less need for unsafe abortions.”

Prof. Mboudou emphasized the collective responsibility in this endeavor, urging parents to engage in open conversations about sexual health with their children.
In response to the pressing need for awareness and education regarding sexual and reproductive health rights, Sisterspeak237 has ramped up its efforts in 2024. The organization has expanded its “Ask A Doctor” series from social media platforms to broadcasts on various radio stations nationwide, aiming to reach a wider audience and promote informed discussions around these critical issues.

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