Sex Education Necessary To Curb Unsafe Abortions
Did you know that hospitals in Cameroon receive at least 3-4 cases daily of complications arising from unsafe abortions? This alarming statistic was shared by Dr. Eko Filbert, Director of the Buea Regional Hospital and 2nd Vice President of SOGOC, in a mini-documentary produced by SOGOC as part of the […]
Back to School: Who Is Most Likely to Be Left Behind?
By Comfort Mussa, Coordinator Sisterspeak237 As we make our way in to the second month since schools reopened, and students across Cameroon settle into another academic year, there is still a palpable sense of excitement in the air. New backpacks, fresh notebooks, and the thrill of seeing friends again make […]
Women Supporting Women to Close Breastfeeding Gap
Cameroonian female doctors,Public Health Nutritionist,Dr Akwen Ndi and International Breastfeeding and Lactation Consultant, Dr Solange Ngo Bama have brought their expertise together through a breastfeeding virtual support group, Precious Lactation, to support nursing mothers through their breastfeeding journey. This report spotlights the functioning of the group, Precious Lactation and the […]