Call For Applications – Higher Institute for Growth in Health Research for Women Researchers
The workshop is scheduled to run from 31st August – 4th September 2015. During the five day workshop, the institute is expected to;
- Teach early-career women how to create a plan for obtaining leadership positions.
- Highlight the challenges of building a career in health research and devising methods for overcoming these challenges.
- Establish a structured and sustained mentor/protégé program
Organizer : A consortium of women from academic institutions and research organizations led by Prof Rose Gana Fomban Leke, Head of the Laboratory of Immunology, Biotechnology Center of Nkolbisson, University of Yaounde 1
Application Requirements: Applicants should be early career women scientists working in the ten regions of Cameroon in the field of health research with at least three years of experience.
Potential applicants should compile and send the following by email to higherwomenreaserchers@gmail.com cc julienmendouga@yahoo.fr
- CV (One page)
- A letter of motivation stating your views on your career development as a woman scientist (one page)
- A personal plan/perspective for research for the next 5-10 years (one page)
For inquiries call Mr. Julien Mendouga : Tel 237 694 84 55 06
Application Deadline: 29th May 2015
Selected applicants will be notified by 15th July 2015
Project Summary /Background : Attracting and retaining more women in health research will maximize creativity and innovation, increase gender competency and expertise, to conduct high quality research and competitiveness attracting funds for research. It is crucial that women become very strategic and trace a clear path for their evolution in their career. By taking time to plan career growth, learning indispensable skills (such as fund raising for research projects) and establishing mentor-protege relationships with role models, women are more likely to attain and hold onto leadership positions. This is thus the time for women scientists to shine. With a sharp plan, support, motivation and inspiration, the future of health research in Cameroon is theirs to grab.
I admire the efforts of those doing this great work of encouraging young Cameroonian women to become researchers. Its my passion and i have been looking for opportunities like this. I just found out now that you are having a workshop which i am missing.I am a nurse with Bachelors degree in nursing sciences.Please i wished to be informed on activities you organise, how can i be current with them? and how can i be part of this honorable Cameroonian women?