Poem – Broken Temple
By Comfort Mussa
I’m just thinking aloud
About the ‘man of god’ who abused a virgin
A virgin whose body was the temple of God
The God, who gives immunity to his servants saying ‘touch not my prophets…
This prophet, is a ‘god of men’
Men, who see only as far as their prophet permits
Permission to be mediocre and blind
Blinded by the Self called and self ordained prophet
Prophet, committing atrocities the cover of I Chronicles 16:22
At 22, she is yet to learn the alphabet of freedom
Say it like it is, without favor or fear.
Fear like I do. That, all of Deuteronomy’s curses will be hurled at me.
Me, another Cameroonian bullied & blackmailed into apathy
Apathy, which allows such injustice to prevail
Veiled by pastors and conniving parliamentarians enjoying immunity
Impunity that we turn the other jaw to
Too nauseated by the blatant impunity we stomach
Stomachs that go hungry & pastorpreneurs wear golden crosses
Our cross, is the burden we bear for untold stories
Stories like the one about the ’men of god’ robbing the nation
A nation, hijacked by politicians & the pastors prophesying new mandates
Mandates, we are too drunk to count
Counting for what? Even the tenth bottle of beer is always the first
First thing we must do is acknowledge we have a problem
– booze, leaders masking darkness as light, silence.
It’s a sad situation when we abuse the fear of God and of Authority. I hear these stories all the time…yet they always go unpunished. Hope they’re ready to justify their actions at the end of time!
wow great peotry…but am very much concerned about the content of this beautiful piece of art.I think part of the problem of rape is owed to the fact that Instead of teaching our sons not to rape,we teach our daughters that it is their responsibility not to get raped.If you ask a typical Cameroonian why a clegyman should promote rape he will justify this..he will tell you that a woman should dress well to avoid this…