Sisterspeak237 Back-to-School Support for Children with Disabilities
Several weeks after the commencement of the school year 2023/24, some pupils are yet to enroll in school. For some of these children, financial constraints hinder their parents from procuring the requisite school dues and supplies necessary even for primary education in public schools, where tuition is free.
At Sisterspeak237, we are particularly concerned for children with disabilities who through various impediments have not started schooling. Our outreach efforts in Yaounde, located in the Centre region, and Nkambe in the North West Region, shall directly assist 35 pupils enrolled in both public and private primary schools.
“Over a month since classes resumed in Cameroon, we observed that certain parents are unable to register their children. Through our outreach program, some of these children are receiving full or partial tuition fees and others obtained requisite school supplies“, says Rita Acha, Sisterspeak237’s inclusion lead.
“As an ardent proponent of SDG4, this initiative principally aims to improve access to education and quality of participation for children with disabilities within schools“, Rita adds.
In Nkambe, Sisterspeak237 supports 20 girls, most with disabilities, to attend school. We cover tuition fees, and registration costs, and procure uniforms and supplies for some of the kids. Distribution commenced on Tuesday the 24th of October 2023 in two schools and shall continue throughout the week to other schools.

Equally underway in Yaounde, Sisterspeak237’s assistance for 15 children with disabilities shall conclude by the week’s end.
This support has been warmly received by parents and school administrations in both Nkambe and Yaounde.
In Nkambe we collaborate with the Center For Disability Inclusive Development – CEDID to identify children with disabilities and conduct outreach to PS Nkambe New Town, GPS Group 1, AGAPAE, G.S Kumsa, IGBPS Nkambe and to CS Binshua.
In Yaounde, we partnered with social workers to identify those most requiring our aid.
Sisterspeak237 is committed to ensuring all children, including those with disabilities, access education. The organisation’s support for these pupils shall help them attain their full potential and contribute to their communities.
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