How to start a business with less than 100.000FCFA -Part 1
By Comfort Mussa
Have you ever dreamed of starting your own business? Many Cameroonian women dream of starting their own businesses but often complain of not having enough money to start with. If you do not have enough money to get started, we have some good news for you. You can start countless businesses in Cameroon with less than 100.000XAF (184.29 USD)
In this series, inspiring entrepreneurs tell you about businesses they started with just the cash in their pockets.
Sisterspeak237: How much capital did you start your business with?
Nina: I started Nina’s Slow Boyz with less than 100.000 FRS. In fact at the beginning I would wait for clients to send money for their orders before I would rush to buy their snails and process. Whatever profit i made, i began to invest in the business by buying snails and storing at home
Sisterspeak237: For how long have you been in the business?
Nina: 2 and a half years
Sisterspeak237: You started small, how big is it today?
Nina: The business is now a house hold name. We serve clients nationally and internationally.
Sisterspeak237: What’s one of the secrets to this growth?
Nina: Consistence
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